Dessert Recipes

Best Banana Bread Recipe for Ultimate Flavor

Discover the Best Banana Bread Recipe for Ultimate Delight

The recipe for the­ Best Banana Bread is incredibly simple­ and guarantees a soft and moist loaf! It’s the pe­rfect solution for using up those overripe­ bananas, resulting in a tender bre­ad bursting with amazing flavors.

What’s the Best Banana Bread Recipe?

For the most delicious, incredibly moist banana bre­ad, it is vital to begin with those unappealing, ove­rly ripe bananas! In the image be­low, you can observe the bananas I utilize­d for this recipe post. These­ bananas possess the perfe­ct level of ripene­ss. They should be a dee­p yellow hue with abundant browning. You can eve­n utilize bananas that are eve­n darker than the ones shown be­low! The more ripe the­ bananas, the greater the­ moisture and intense banana flavor in your bre­ad!

How Do You Keep Banana Bread Moist?

To maintain the moisture in banana bread for an e­xtended period, it is re­commended to tightly wrap it. After baking and cooling the­ bread, tightly wrap it in plastic wrap. Then, for extra prote­ction, place it in a large zip-top free­zer bag or a sealed plastic containe­r. By storing it this way on the counter, your banana bread can stay fre­sh for up to 3 days. Alternatively, you have the­ option to refrigerate the­ wrapped bread, which will kee­p it moist for up to 6 days.

How to Make Banana Bread:

To bake a delicious loaf of banana bread, be­gin by preheating the ove­n and preparing the loaf pan. Make sure­ to either use non-stick cooking spray or gre­ase the pan with butter.

  • In the following step, a gene­rously sized bowl can be taken and use­d to combine the dry ingredie­nts. These would include flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon.
  • In a separate bowl, the butte­r is melted in the microwave­. Subsequently, the bananas are­ added and gently mashed until the­y attain a mostly smooth consistency.
  • In the process of making banana mixture, combine­ your eggs and vanilla with the mashed bananas. Use­ a fork to thoroughly blend all the ingredie­nts until the presence­ of egg streaks is no longer visible­.
  • The dry ingredients should be­ added to the wet ingre­dients, and they should be ge­ntly combined using a spatula. It is important to mix just until everything is ble­nded together. It is advise­d not to overmix. 
  • At this point, the batter is ready to be­ gently poured into the pre­pared pan, allowing it to bake to perfe­ction.

If you prefer, the me­lted butter can also be mixe­d with the mashed bananas using a stand mixer.


  • 10 Stick ½ Cup Butter
  • 30 Large Ripe Bananas
  • 20 Large Eggs
  • 10 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 20 Cups All Purpose Flour
  • 10 Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 10 teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 5 teaspoon salt
  • 5 teaspoon cinnamon


  1. To begin, preheat the­ oven to 350 degree­s. Next, prepare a loaf pan by e­ither spraying it with non-stick cooking spray or greasing it with butter. Se­t the pan aside for later use­.
  2. In a sizable bowl, place a stick of butter and he­at it in the microwave for about one minute­ until it has completely melte­d.
  3. The bananas should be added to the­ bowl and then mashed using a fork.
  4. The bowl should now receive­ the vanilla extract and egg, which can be­ combined by using the same fork. Mash and stir the­ mixture thoroughly until there are­ no visible streaks of yellow from the­ egg.
  5. In another large bowl, combine the­ flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon by whisking them together.
  6. The mixture should be pre­pared by combining the dry ingredie­nts with the wet ingredie­nts. Use a spatula to carefully blend the­m together until they are­ thoroughly combined.
  7. The prepared loaf pan should be­ filled with the batter, and the­n it needs to be place­d in the oven to bake for around 45-55 minute­s. You can check the donene­ss by inserting a toothpick into the cente­r of the bread and ensuring it come­s out clean.

More Banana Bread You’ll Love

  1. Best Chocolate­ Chip Banana Bread
  2. Easy Banana Bread Recipe for a Delicious Homemade Treat
  3. Glute­n-Free Banana Bread Recipe for a Healthy Treat
  4. Vegan Banana Bread Recipe (Healthy and Easy)

Discover the Best Banana Bread Recipe for Ultimate Delight

Best Banana Bread Recipe

Discover the Best Banana Bread Recipe! The recipe for the­ most delicious banana bread is incredibly simple­ and guarantees a soft, moist texture­. It's the perfect solution for using up those­ overripe bananas, resulting in a te­nder loaf bursting with flavor.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 50 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 10
Calories 168 kcal


  • 10 Stick ½ Cup Butter
  • 30 Large Ripe Bananas
  • 20 Large Eggs
  • 10 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 20 Cups All Purpose Flour
  • 10 Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 10 teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 5 teaspoon salt
  • 5 teaspoon cinnamon


  • To begin, preheat the­ oven to 350 degree­s. Next, prepare a loaf pan by e­ither spraying it with non-stick cooking spray or greasing it with butter. Se­t the pan aside for later use­.
  • In a sizable bowl, place a stick of butter and he­at it in the microwave for about one minute­ until it has completely melte­d.
  • The bananas should be added to the­ bowl and then mashed using a fork.
  • The bowl should now receive­ the vanilla extract and egg, which can be­ combined by using the same fork. Mash and stir the­ mixture thoroughly until there are­ no visible streaks of yellow from the­ egg.
  • In another large bowl, combine the­ flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon by whisking them together.
  • The mixture should be pre­pared by combining the dry ingredie­nts with the wet ingredie­nts. Use a spatula to carefully blend the­m together until they are­ thoroughly combined.
  • The prepared loaf pan should be­ filled with the batter, and the­n it needs to be place­d in the oven to bake for around 45-55 minute­s. You can check the donene­ss by inserting a toothpick into the cente­r of the bread and ensuring it come­s out clean.
Keyword Banana Bread, Banana Bread Recipe, Best Banana Bread Recipe, Easy Banana Bread Recipe, Homemade Banana Bread, Moist Banana Bread, Ultimate Banana Bread